June 11 is supposed to be an exciting start to a fabulous weekend for me. I'll be heading to NY to be with my girls for what we've titled ReWe - Reunion Weekend. As the days progress, I'm continually thinking about how I'm going to manage my money to have the $200 for the hotel on hand, as well as money for food and of course shopping. I don't yet know how I'll do it. But I will.
Unfortunately, one of my best friends sent out a group text today saying that she wouldn't be able to attend ReWe, because she can't even pay the rent. I feel horrible because she's done so much for me during our friendship, and I wish that I could help her. However her situation brought to light, even more than it already had, that this real world is hard. After graduation in May 2008, it took me 3 months to find a one month temporary job, another 2 months to find another temporary job (which in the end was the PITS!) that lasted me 4 months, until God finally sent a full time job with benefits my way. The pay isn't great, no, but everyday I wake up, I'm truly thankful to get up and prepare to head out of my door to be the best Research Program Assistant I can be.
But the thing is, it's still hard. I still live pay check to pay check - especially now. My best friend is still in Hampton working 3 jobs - 2 waitressing jobs and 1 job that's actually in her field - and it still isn't enough. This economy sucks. As an adult you realize that everytime you get a piece of money it has to go somewhere or to someone, and at the end of the day you can get a little exhausted.
Today, my "boo" told me, that he was gonna get drunk. Why? you may ask -just as I did. Because he needs a job and can't find one. His situation is a bit different - He just graduated from college 2 weeks ago - I know, "cuz I was right there at his graduation." I pray that he doesn't have to go through the 9 months of hell and unhappiness that I went through trying to find a decent job in this crappy economy. It will bring tears to your eyes no matter how strong you try to be, and regardless of how many nights you sit up until 3 and 4 am clicking away at your keyboard in hopes of at least finding a front desk position at the motel in the middle of North Avenue. And those fancy, "Thanks for getting dressed up and putting on your best suit, but we don't need yo ass," letters and emails make it all the more difficult to try and stay afloat.
BUT, once you've made it through, you've done just that - made it through. And once you get to where God wants you to be, you can appreciate that struggle to pay the rent, the whispers behind your back, and most importantly, your tears. Because they all get you to the top - one day.