Monday, February 22, 2010

Living Without Facebook and Twitter

I decided to give up Twitter and Facebook for Lent. It was a bit of a split second decision, although I did decide to sleep on it for a night. How could I give up the almighty Twittuh’s and “The Book” so easily,  you may ask. The easiest answer that I can give is: It was time for a much needed break from Twitter. I spend so much time on Twitter that it’s really a shame. As far as Stalkerbook is concerned, I think I’ve researched enough folks Facebook profiles to know everyone whereabouts, and I’m more than certain that people have done the same with my profile. In short, it just wasn’t that hard to walk away from those “Faces”. However, before making my final decision, I Googled the length of the Lenten season for this year – 46 days. “FORTY-SIX DAAAAAYS!?!?!?!”, I thought. That’s a long time for someone who usually checks Twitter after a quick morning prayer! But then I thought, “If Jesus gave his life for me, then I can give up Twitter… and Facebook for good measure!”

For those of you who are unaware of what Lent is, Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Lent as, “the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter observed by the Roman Catholic, Eastern, and some Protestant churches as a period of penitence and fasting.” For me, it’s always been a time to give up those things in life that I know aren’t as much of a necessity as I may think they are. As a kid I would give up my NES System. It was a struggle giving up Super Mario Bros. 3. Oh how I enjoyed having Mario and Luigi jump on those evil mushroom heads! *sigh* Sadly, though, I remember giving in and playing my games, several times. But let’s be honest; for the amount of time I planted myself in front of Mario, Luigi and King Koopa, I could have been reading a book or enjoying a cooking show with Grandma. As a college student I’m not sure that I gave anything up. I was so wrapped up in school work or the lack thereof on some occasions, that I rarely remembered to get ashes on Ash Wednesday. Now that I’m out of school and in the working world, and more importantly now that I’m trying to get my life together spiritually, I figured that this year would be a great year to start fully participating in the Lenten season. So far, we’re 6 days into Lent, and I haven’t bothered to log onto Twitter or Facebook… and I don’t intend to.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowmageddon 2010

The blizzard of 2010 has arrived! Is it “Snowmageddon”? Possibly. If it is, is your soul saved? Me? *Italian voice* “I’m workin’ on it!” Eh… *Kanye shrug*

Before I fell asleep last night- from sheer boredom- I looked out of my window at the snow that was falling but wasn’t sticking and said, “Maybe when I wake up, it’ll be a lot of snow out.” Well didn’t I ask for it! By the time I mustered up the strength to look out of my window, I saw plenty of snow. I even decided to step out onto the balcony and take some pictures of the snow. See?



Pretty serious, right?

Tyler came out and decided to play in the snow.



After throwing that snow ball (up in the corner… see it? Yep, right there.) he said, “Uh… I think I just hit somebody…” Gotta love that kid.

I’ve been on Twitter and Facebook ALL day. Literally. The last time I was snowed in, I remember my sister and me taking turns building houses and 50’s style restaurants on The Sims. Too bad I don’t have my The Sims 2 games right now; if I did I’d probably still be in need of a shower. Anyway, being in the house all day has afforded me plenty of time to do productive things. Too bad I didn’t do any of them. I probably could have researched some jobs and determined what I wanted to do with my life- but I didn’t. I think that’s part of the problem I’m having. When you feel unfulfilled with your current situation you’re supposed to sit down and take some time to do something about it. Write out a list of the things that you want for your life, pray over them, put them in your Bible. Something! I think I’ve been sitting for too long. I did however read over some information that I had requested to be sent to me from Baltimore International College. I’m thinking of taking a certificate program in Professional Cooking and Baking. I would actually prefer to take the certificate program in Professional Skills in Baking and Pastry, but unfortunately, it’s only during the day- and I work during the day *Kanye shrug*. If you’re interested, check here. I’m going to attend their open house on February 20th (hopefully) and I get to take one guest. I think I’ll take my oldest god-son, Tawain (he’s 14!!!), who told me that he wants to go to “cooking school” after high school. It should be a fun day for us. I should probably run the idea by him first. In other news, this being in the house all day is for the birds. I’m seriously having a flash back to some of those nights in college where it was just me, Papa Johns and Robert De Niro in either Goodfellas or Casino (have you seen either of those movies? You should!). The difference is that those nights were usually planned. Today was not. I’m hungry and sleepy. BUT! Mommy did make chili and a lemon pound cake, which I can’t wait to taste. I’ll be sure to post a picture of it. Wanna know how bored I am? See below.



This is what happens when you’re hungry and bored. You take your night scarf off and stuff yourself with Fruit Roll-Ups. And you take a picture of yourself. Don’t act like you haven’t done it before!

I made spaghetti the other day. The meat sauce was from scratch. Wanna see it? HPIM5222It’s actually Emeril Lagasse’s meat sauce for lasagna. I figured it couldn’t hurt to use it as a spaghetti meat sauce.


It took all of 2 hours to get the end result.

HPIM5224You guys should try it and doctor it up to your liking. Check here.

There are a lot of pictures on this blog, because I’m actually writing it through Microsoft Word 2007’s blog publisher. It’s pretty amazing. Try it. I could probably think about some other things to blog about… But I’ll wait a little while- I’m going to go check on that pot of chili and lemon cake! And by the way, I don’t look that way (picture above) every day- only when I’m tinkering on insanity from cabin fever. See below for a cuter photo (lol). Enjoy your evening everyone!


*UPDATE* Don’t try Microsoft Word 2007’s Blog Publisher if you’re using Blogger. It sucks ass after all. And by now I’ve eaten both a bowl of chili and had a slice of cake, all of which was delicious. Don’t you wish you had some? Peace.